"At Your Service and By Your Side."

Why do Labradoodles make
great service dogs?
Not only do Labradoodles possess so many family-friendly qualities, but they make wonderful service dogs, too. Labradoodles are often trained as service dogs because they possess the qualities needed to perform the duties required. They are not only allergy-friendly, but they're intelligent and well-tempered making them ideal candidates for service training.
Foothills Labradoodles is blessed to have placed multiple service dogs with deserving owners. If you are interested in learning more about out beloved dogs, please reach out. We'd love to hear from you.
PLEASE NOTE: Statistically, only 3-5% of dogs have what it takes to become service dogs, so Foothills Labradoodles cannot guarantee it. With that, however, we offer temperament testing to help place the right dog with the right family/handler.